This car auction application project is made specifically for the mobile or smartphone display to make it easier for users to make auctions and participate who want to participate in the auction, even this application can be made an android application by webviewing when making the application, this application is made using laravel v5 and boostrap v 3, the features in this application are:
- User / Actor 3 (Admin, Auctioneer, Auction Followers)
- Auctioned exp. Automobile goods
- Register Auction & Retirement Auction
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) car data
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) auction data
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) Member data
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) Contact data
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) Account data
- CRUD (create, read, update, delete) Purchase data
- Activity Log (Visitor data, member activities applied)
- Auction Winner Notification To Email
- System Automatic Auction Scheduling
To download this application please contact the following contact : 082219491045
Semua Source Code Aplikasi kami di garansi error jadi jika di temukan error silahkan beritahu kami maka akan kami perbaiki secara gratis.
Transaksi bisa dilakukan melalui Transfer Bank, Marketplace (Shoppee,Tokopedia,Bukalapak), Paypal dan lainnya, silahkan konfirmasi melalui kontak diatas.
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